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اقدم لكم Electric Power SpecSizerبرنامج لاختيار مولدات الكهرباء
New in this SpecSizer version 2.5 release:
- Generator set selection (data) was updated for new product introduction (NPI) occurring through 3Q’09
- Added a Portuguese language option
- Added Registration requirement for all SpecSizer users along with a Privacy Statement
- Revised the License Agreement for the English and French version of SpecSizer, with all other languages to be revised upon completion of translations
- Enabled metrics collection to help identify value-added features within SpecSizer
- Enhanced the ‘Project Load Report’ by adding a graph for each load step. Also, boxed the sizing parameters that sum to highest value throughout the ‘Project Load Report’s’ load steps… to assist user analysis in determining which load step(s)’ more influence sizing the genset
- In addition to the ‘Project Sizing Report’ and ‘Project Load Report’, provided a third report – a new ‘Genset Transient Response Performance Report’ that graphs the 100% block load performance of the selected genset. The load step that sized the genset is also identified and graphed on the ‘Genset Transient Response Performance Report’
- Provided a new ‘Alternator Frame Options’ table, accessed on the ‘Generator Set Selection’ tab
--> The table provides visibility between standard versus optional genset alternator frames, and provides the alternators’ RkVA values
--> The sized genset’s alternator thermal limits and kVA values can then be obtained by using the ‘Dealer Sales Support Links’ button and the ‘TMI Web’ link. --> This feature can enable the specification of a higher kVA alternator than competitors… using a larger alternator and a smaller genset rating
- Added a new ‘Xref’ link for drawings, accessed from the menu bar under ‘Links’, ‘Cat Dealer Links’
- Added a new ‘Contact Us’ dialog, accessed on SpecSizer’s menu bar
- Added a new ‘Percent Genset Rating Capacity Used (EkW)’ feature to the ‘Load Analysis Summary’ on the ‘Generator Set Selection’ tab; the feature displays whether the sized genset’s engine is fully loaded or lightly loaded, and by how much (%)
- Improved the “Wizard’s” flexibility and capability by increasing the quantity of load steps that can be specified from 2 steps to 10 steps; the load steps can then easily be changed to find the optimal number of steps between two steps and ten steps that sizes the smallest genset
- Added an administrator toggle on the SpecSizer menu bar under ‘Options’, ‘Admin Options’
- Added a hover graph that enlarges the transient performance graph located on the ‘Starting & Selection Analysis’ tab on the ‘Generator Set Selection’ tab
Improved and updated the English and French versions of SpecSizer’s ‘Help Topics’. The ‘Help Topics’ section, in all other languages supported in SpecSizer, will be updated once the translations are completed
- Added a new customer internet link to generate a spec sheet for the sized genset using the ‘Customer Sales Support Links’ button on the ‘Generator Set Selection’ tab
- Added two new internet links, in addition to the ‘TMI Web’ link, to the ‘Dealer Sales Support’ Links button on the ‘Generator Set Selection’ tab. The links are
‘Power Net’ which links to Electric Power’s Power Net location specific to the sized genset and ‘Spec Sheet’ which creates the specific spec sheet for the sized genset
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The download file size is 202MB. To download SpecSizer, version 2.5, access the following URL: http://www.cat.com/powergeneration/specsizerexe
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